Gym Membership


Members are not permitted to lend or share their key.
Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the gym for safety reasons.
Members are not permitted to bring a group of fiends in on their key or to grant access to persons without a key.
Please turn off lights when you leave and ensure doors are locked.


1. Online banking: pay Clifton Rugby Sports Club, TSB, Waitara.
Particulars: full name    Code: gym sub    Reference: Phone number

2. Cash: Place the amount in an envelope with your full name on it.
Hand the envelope and cash to a member of the CRSC Committee.
Include your name, address, phone number and email so that we can start to build a data base. Thank you.


PUBLIC:  $150.00 per year. (Includes GST)

RUGBY PLAYERS: Your team sub plus $30.00 (includes GST)
The sub and the gym membership can be paid to your manager at the same time.

From time to time an updated membership sheet will be placed on the wall listing the financial members. If you are not on it you will be required to update your membership.

If you have any questions phone the keyholder, Amanda Dombroski 02102618144